Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 140lbs
Bank Account: more money than miguel at least
Street Rumors / Random Facts!
- Despite being a devotee of Inti, Leo goes to church every Sunday, but only to make his mom happy. He usually begs for forgiveness afterwards.
- Jadier is the first of the original members to develop a criminal record. When he was 15, he accidentally blew up a fire hydrant while trying a new move with Torrente for the first time
Chismosura / Random Questions!
Favorite Snack?
"Those Brazilian chips Jae keeps bringing around! Though I gotta buy them myself, otherwise Jael makes this face that could haunt houses."

Latest Concern?
"By the time I get home from work, my baby sisters always use up all the hot water and I gotta shower with freezing ass water. Fuck, I really need to learn how to control water temps."

Favorite Dance?
"I don't dance."

Ideal Gift?

Preferred Type?
"Looks don't matter that much as long as they're not a bitch of a person."

Who do you wanna hang out with?
"Leo. I work with him and he's in the gang, but I don't see the guy around much."

Any Vices?
"Women! The greatest vice of all!"

Ideal Job?
"Dunno. Mechanic shop gets me okay money so I don't really need another job."

Favorite Artist?
"Feid or Tego."


never learned his times tables . useless everyday for 9 hours . hater of clothing

FULL NAME: Leo Marco Antonio Veracruz
ALIAS: Rayito de Sol
AGE: Twenty
GENDER: Male (he/him)
SKILLS: Picking up Girls, Fixing Cars (again), Forced Hydration
MAGIC: Blessing of Inti
OCCUPATION: Gang Member / Mechanic at AD Family Motors
BIRTHDAY: June 18th, 2007


Leo only joined Los Santos de San Caetano recently, and technically by accident.


Leo is what is known as a "devotee," someone who worships a spirit or deity and in return, recieves power and magical skill from said deity. Leo is a devotee of Inti, the Incan sun god, and in return for his worship he recieved a