De La Muerte

Canalla City. One of the most bullshit places on earth. Or well, what was left of earth. Dirty, foggy, and stunk like shit all the damn time.
So naturally, Yuri Uriel Mikhail Altamirano-Aristarkhov, the most hated person in the universe, was destined to be born, raised, and probably also die here! He was already born with one hell of a name and being nearly illiterate, he could barely spell it at this point.
His life had been on a constant downward spiral from the moment he’d been born. Of course, whoever the fuck his mom was gave him this shit ass name, then she left him, then he was passed around like a blunt with a bunch of different unsavory types (criminals, bootleggers, smugglers, even some pirates at one point,) it all ended when Beka picked him up. For a second, the downward spiral stopped. It didn’t really go up but it didn’t keep going down at least, just sorta sitting in one place. He had food and a place to sleep he didn’t have to fight for, and that was about as calm as you could get in Canalla City.
But of course, if one thing is true in the life of Yuri Uriel Mikhail Altamirano-Aristarkhov, the most hated person in the world, it’s that he can’t have nice things ever! So, Beka disappeared one night. Yuri just woke up and he was gone. No note, no nothing, like he’d just up and vanished into thin air. Everything was just like he’d left it, so it wasn’t a murder or a robbery (probably,) so what the fuck could it have even been?
What happened to Beka kept him up a lot. But then again, what didn’t nowadays? He’d lost his only home so now he was sleeping on the streets again, back to his old ways. By Kheria, were the streets loud. Every time he tried to go to sleep, Yuri would always just lay there for a while, questioning every single event in his life and how they’d led him to end up like this.
At least he wasn’t completely alone like before.
Kazuki was one of those friends Yuri could never see himself making if it wasn't for the circumstances he met him under. As a little kid, Beka’s mechanic shop became as close to home as he would ever get. After school, he'd rush immediately there and he'd usually find Beka working on mechs and other such things. Then, he'd usually start working on homework and other such things. That was back when Beka still tried to force him to try to get an educationl. Yuri rolled his eyes. Beka was a genius for machines, but stupid for ever thinking Yuri would be anything other than a grifter.
But, at one point a long time ago, such a long time ago that Yuri didn't even remember exactly when it happened, another boy began showing up to the mechanic shop. He was a weirdo for sure, with that pale blue hair and his simultaneously overly excited and overly nervous attitude. Not to mention his near addiction to tech. Kazuki was practically a street rat, so Yuri never knew where the hell he ever got the money to afford all those shiny metal toys. Since this boy was the only one around Yuri's age, he'd usually end up talking to him and over the years, they built up a bit of a friendship and eventually started hanging out outside of the mechanic shop.
That kid was of course, Kazuki de la Cadena, that same boy in a mechanic's jumpsuit that was standing in front of him chugging down a can of cherry cola with the thirst of a man who'd just run a marathon through a desert.
"Anyway, like I was saying…" Kazuki continued. The blue haired boy sighed, and put the can down in his lap. "You know, Yurachka, sometimes I just wanna run away from it all."
Yuri stared over at Kazu, while he threw his head back and gulped down his 3rd cola this evening. Kazu always seemed to be looking off into the distance with those sad eyes that always seemed to have darker and darker bags.
"I mean, you always talk about shit like that but you never go through with it" he said, staring down at the half drunk cherry cola in his lap.
"I mean it this time though, Yura." he insisted, slamming his empty can onto the brick for emphasis. He sighed, pushing his hair back. "There's nothing really keeping me here, so why the hell should I stay?" he said, those same sad eyes staring into my eyes.
"What's with the Kazuki?" he asked, a surprised smile spreading across his face. "I don't think I've heard you call me Kazuki in literal years, Yura." He gave him another crooked smile before he threw back another cola.
“Besides, where would you even run to?” Yuri asked, not expecting a response.
“Dunno. Maybe out into the Wilds, y’know?” Kazuki answered, fiddling with a controller of some kind as he did.
Yuri rolled his eyes again. “I hope you realize there’s no chargers out in the Wilds. Or electricity. Or probably anything besides motherfuckers on the run and tall-ass grass.”
“I’m no longer going to the Wilds.” Kazuki declared, not even looking up from his machinery.
Yuri chuckled. Kazuki always said he was serious, but as soon as his little toys were threatened, he never went through with it.
It was only sunset, but the crickets were already out doing their thing, their song filling the evening air. Yuri wasn't sure if they were real crickets or someones automatons that they'd released one day, but he liked the noise anyway. A cool autumn breeze was flowing through, lightly rustling Kazu’s hair. Leaves flew and fluttered in the air for a few seconds, doing somersaults as they rolled on the pavement.