Carambola, also known as star fruit, is the fruit of Averrhoa carambola, a species of tree native to tropical Southeast Asia. The edible fruit has distinctive ridges running down its sides. When cut in cross-section, it resembles a star, giving it the name of star fruit. (Wikipedia)


Yellow like the sunrays
Sour like a lemon
But sweet like honey,
And warm Guatemalan nights.
A star that fell to earth from heaven.

Lay in the hammock by the pigeon cage
While listening to their sorrowful, cooing song.
The brook softly babbles outside.
Let the tang of the carambola melt the rest of the world away.

Sweet but acidic fruit,
That tastes not like citrus,
But of long-gone summer days,
People that will never return,
And places that exists only in my memories
That lives on in the starfruit.